

前幾天得到了朋友幫我的占星結果,讓我很振奮 :

日月水巨蟹 5宮,具有原創力、天生智慧、日水合相、三合天王星於天蠍座:靈光乍現、常有意外驚人的創意~!水星巨蟹記憶超好,喜歡舊玩意,受太陽影響過大,有時會思緒中斷,嚴重時容易失眠。
... ...土星代表勞務與實業,有吉相位;一般都會成立自己的事業王國。...etc.


3 則留言:

The Cat Realm 提到...

Hello Michico,
thank you for stopping by!
We can not read your blog, it is just all ??????? and ??????? and more ?????
But the black and white cat in the picture looks really great!

匿名 提到...

Hi Michico, fanks for visiting our blog. We don't read and mom can't read it to us, but dat's okay, and you are a furry nice cat.

Catzee 提到...

I only know how to speak meow, but I can see that Mustard Atelier is a furry nice kitty! Fank you fur visitin' mine bloggie.